Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Book Launching of Dr. Josef de Ubaldo

Last November 29, 2008, Dr Josef de Ubaldo launched his newest book entitled "Integrated Healthcare: World's Healing Modalities" which is said to be 18 years in the making. One lecturer during the symposium is Dr. Elizabeth Oropesa Freeman, an award-winning Filipino actress who finished her PhD degree at the Open University for Complementary Medicine based in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Grab a copy of this book for your library's reference.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Student Discount for ICoASL - very low price

Special Libraries Association - Asian Chapter

Special Discount for Student Registration to attend ICoASL 2008 Conference

SLA Asian Chapter is organizing an International conference of Asian Special Libraries (ICoASL 2008) on Shaping the Future of Special Libraries: Beyond Boundaries. This conference is supported by RRRLF, Ministry of Culture and CSIR, Govt of India and coordinated in association with Society for Library Professionals, Delhi and IASLIC, Kolkatta. This conference is expected to attract more than 500 participants from India, Asia, and the U.S. The venue for this conference is: India Islamic Cultural Centre, Lodhi Road, New Delhi,India during 26-28 November 2008.

The award will be 90% costs of the registration fee to attend the ICoASL 2008 for the students of LIS on first cum first serve basis. The registration fee is Rs. 5000 but LIS students has to pay Rs. 500 only.

This is the first time the Asian Chapter is organising this International Conference. We look forward to your wholehearted participation. Please feel free to forward this to your friends, colleagues, local LIS newsletters and Local LIS Association.

The objectives of the Conference are to bring together library professionals to a common platform, promote special libraries, and facilitate the exchange of ideas and help bridge the knowledge gap amongst the professionals associated with special libraries and to further develop professional competency.

Details are available at: http://units. sla.org/chapter/ cas/ICoASL2008. html


1. Enrolled in an accredited LIS programme in India or Asia during academic year 2008-09

2. Interested in a career in special librarianship, preferably with a focus on working in environments in Special Libraries.

Application Procedure

Registration form along with registration fee of Rs.500 in favour of "ICoASL" may please send to not later than 10 November 2008: The registration form can be downloaded from above given website link. The registration is on first cum serve basis for first 25 students.

Organizing Secretary, ICoASL 2008
C/o Institute of Economic
of Delhi Enclave

Ph. 91-11-27667463; 27666364; 27666367
Fax: 91-11-27667463; 91-11-27667410 Cell: 09899110787
asiansla@gmail. com

The Second International m-libraries Conference Vancouver, 23 - 24 June 2009

Call for papers

Following the successful First International m-libraries Conference
(http://library.open.ac.uk/mLibraries/2007/index.html) in 2007 we are
delighted to call for papers for the Second International Conference in
Vancouver in 2009. For more information about the conference visit

The conference will be hosted by the University of British Columbia in
collaboration with Athabasca University, the Open University (UK) and
Thompson Rivers University. The aim of the conference is to explore and
share work carried out in libraries around the world to deliver services
and resources to users 'on the move' via mobile or handheld devices,
including mobile and smartphones, PDAs, portable gaming devices, MP3
players and ebook readers.

The conference will bring together researchers, technical developers,
managers and library practitioners to exchange experience and expertise
and generate ideas for future developments.

If you would like to be involved in this exciting conference please
submit your abstracts (up to 300 words) to <
m-libraries-conference@open.ac.uk > by December 15th, 2008. These will
be subject to peer review and authors will be notified by mid-January.
We expect that papers may include research reports, demonstrations of
technical developments, practical case studies or reviews. Posters are
also invited.

Themes will include;
- service models for library services delivered to mobiles
- cost and sustainability factors for m-library service development
- the changing relationships between libraries and users resulting from
innovation in ubiquitous computing
- partnership projects for developing integrated services to mobiles
- implications of mobile technologies on library space planning
- reconfiguring library collection development to enhance ubiquitous
access to resources
- exploring methodologies for evaluating the impact of mobile and
ubiquitous computing on library service development

Papers or presentation

Papers or presentations should last no longer than 20 minutes plus 10
minutes for discussions.

Poster sessions

Posters will be displayed throughout the conference and time will be
allocated in the programme for poster viewing. A prize will be awarded
to the best poster.

Conference proceedings will be published online.

The conference will be held at the University of British Columbia campus
in Vancouver, British Columbia. Situated on Canada's West Coast,
Vancouver is a popular travel destination and is a host city for the
2010 Olympic Winter Games. For more information see <

Contact Information
General enquiries: leonora.crema@ubc.ca
Programme enquiries: m-libraries-conference@open.ac.uk

Why not join the m-libraries Facebook Group?
< www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7719700810>

Friday, October 10, 2008

International Open Access Day

First international Open Access Day will be held on Tuesday, 14 October 2008. For more information, visit BioMed Central Blog.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

International Conference on Education in the Health Sciences (ICEHS)

I think medical and health librarians, and archivists, too should be in this conference. The first, International Conference on Education in the Health Sciences (ICEHS). This is from October 1st to 3rd, 2008 at the UPMASA-PGH Science Hall, Philippine General Hospital Complex, UP Manila, Taft Avenue, Ermita, Manila, Philippines.

Objectives: At the end of the conference,

the participants should be able to:

  1. Analyze the impact of a changing health scenario in education in the health sciences
  2. Discuss educational trends that address the changing health needs
Visit the website: http://www.icehs.com/index.html

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

UP SLIS Lecture Series - August 2008

The School of Library and Information Studies
University of the Philippines Diliman

invites everyone to the lectures

Visualizing Leprosy: Archives, Leprosy and Collective Memory
by: Ricardo Punzalan
Ph.D. Student, University of Michigan School of Information
Assistant Professor, University of the Philippines

What Does It Meme? Spam, Online Quizzes and the Last Song Syndrome: Cognitive Poetics and Useless Information
by: Paolo Manalo
Ph.D. Student, University of St. Andrews School of English
Assistant Professor, University of the Philippines

What Was the First Book Printed in the Philippines?
by Vernon Totanes
Ph.D. Student, University of Toronto Faculty of Information Studies

on August 14, 2008 (Thursday), 9:00 a.m.
at the SLIS Rooms 3 & 4
3rd Floor, Gonzalez Hall (UP Main Library)

Monday, July 28, 2008

Principles and Trends of Managing Records Towards Digitization

In celebration of the 29th Manila International Book Fair, the Medical and Health Librarian’s Association of the Philippines (MAHLAP) cordially invites you to a forum entitled “Principles and Trends of Managing Records towards Digitization”.

It will be held on September 12, 2008, 8:30 -10:30 AM at the 2nd floor room no. 4, SMX Convention Center, Sea Shell Drive, Mall of Asia Complex, Pasay City. We invited Ms. Gensela Lacambacal, Head of Medical Records Division from the Philippine General Hospital as our resource speaker and Ms. Emma Rey, Executive Director of Legislative Library and Archives from the House of Representatives as our forum reactor.

This forum aims to share the knowledge and skills necessary to maintain effective programs on records management improvement. It will help us gain understanding on how to regulate the recording, classification and indexing of active records, improve methods of managing the files, and systematize retention and disposal of records, adoption of logical systems of converting documents and computerizing records management procedures. At the end, the participants would learn the framework to be actually involved in initiating standard records management procedures in their own concerned agencies/ institutions.

The forum fee is P150 for members, P200 for non-members and P75 for students that includes a Certificate of Attendance.

Please confirm your attendance by sending back attached form to any of our officers.

We look forward to seeing you in this exciting and informative event.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

5th Regional Meeting of the Virtual Health Library (VHL5)

BIREME is promoting a more participatory process for the 5th Regional Meeting of the Virtual Health Library (VHL5), that will take place in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from 14 to 16 of September 2008, preceding the CRICS8, with a program to share the state of the VHL development in the regional area, in the countries and in thematic areas. For more information, visit VHL5.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Public Health Informatics 2008 (PHI2008)

PHI2008 will be held September 18-19, 2008 in Seattle, WA. This meeting builds
on the success of the 1st international PHI conference in September last year
at which participants agreed to move forward with organizing the Global
Partners in Public Health Informatics -- a partnership of individuals,
organizations and research centers dedicated to defining and developing a
framework for addressing strategic public health information issues and
requirements to drive successful global population health interventions.
Through plenary sessions, panel and break-out discussions, and poster sessions
PHI2008 will cover a wide scope of global public health informatics topics and
will showcase state-of-the-art public health informatics research, development,
and applications, with an emphasis on sustainable development strategies and
sharing information technologies, data and knowledge. PHI2008 invitees and
speakers, drawn from a variety of global health settings, organizations, and
institutions, will cover topics such as:
* E-health records for improved public health practice
* Situational awareness and surveillance
* Scalable information and communications technology approaches for
improving population health
* Decision support and knowledge management
* Information policy and human capacity building

PHI2008 is open to practitioners, academics, scientists, managers, students,
and decision makers from the various disciplines, industries, governmental
institutions, international and intergovernmental organizations, agencies and
networks that are concerned with improving the public's health on the local,
national and global levels through the application of information and
communications technologies.

More details can be found in the attached flyer. For more information on the
program and to register: www.gpphi.org/conferences

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

CRICS8 - 8th Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information

The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (FIOCRUZ) and the Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO) are pleased to invite you to the 8th Regional Congress on Health Sciences Information (CRICS 8) to be held from 16-19 September 2008, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

With the main theme Scientific information and knowledge for innovation in health, the CRICS8 will host the meetings of the VHL (Virtual Health Library), SciELO (Scientific Electronic Library Online) and others regional and global networks from 14th to 16th, in addition to courses, expositions, cultural, social and tourist activities.

CRICS is internationally recognized as an innovative congress in scientific and technical information and communication that periodically addresses the regional and international state-of-the-art. It covers the fields of information, knowledge and research evidence management, scientific communication, librarianship, information science, methodologies and information technologies and its applications for the development of health research, education and health care systems.

For more info, visit: CRICS8 website.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Seminar and Nutrifair 2008

The Nutrition Research Information Network or NUTRINET and the University of the Philippines Manila on its Centennial Anniversary Celebration will hold a Seminar and Nutrifair at the Auditorium of University of the Philippines Manila-College of Public Health, Pedro Gil Street, Manila on July 24-25, 2008. The theme is "Strategies to Optimal Health and Nutrition." Seminar fee is Php50.00 per day per participant.
July 24, 2008
Symposium 1: Neonatal and Infant Feeding
Symposium 2: Childhood and Adolescent Nutrition
July 25, 2008
Symposium 3: Healthy Adult Lifestyle
Symposium 4: Beginning Life: Healthy Pregnancy
For Inquiries: Please call FNRI at 837-20-71 loc 2287 or UP Manila at 526-58-51.
You may also visit NUTRINET website by clicking here .

Elementary Librarian

1. Elementary Librarian


Doña Hemady Ave. cor 4th St.,

New Manila, Quezon City

724-8550 loc 110

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Using Joomla

MAHLAP members attended the WCMS - Web Content Management System Training last May 19-23, 2008 at the Department of Health.

Joomla was taught in the entire training. Joomla is an end-user friendly tool for the beginners.
This will help the team in maintaining and developing their website.

Photos of the training can be located here.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Opening at St. Lukes

Job Opening!!!

Library Assistant
St. Luke's College of Medicine
Cathedral Heights, Rodriguez, Q.C.
(02) 723-0101 Local 3815
E-mail: hrd@stlukesmecolleg e.edu.ph

Monday, April 14, 2008

2nd European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and Medicine

The 2nd European Conference on Scientific Publishing in Biomedicine and
Medicine at the Rikshospitalet University Hospital in Oslo, Norway, 4-6
September 2008
How to increase the visibility and impact of your research?
* make sure the maximum number of people can see your work
* reach all biomedical scientists in all nations
* increase your online presence
* make a bigger impact and manage your academic profile

URL: http://www.ub.uio.no/umh/ecspbiomed/

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Pharma-Bio-Med 2008

Pharma-Bio-Med is the annual conference and exposition in Europe specifically geared to Information Professionals within the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, biomedical, medical and health sciences industries. The venue is the beautiful Hotel Dubrovnik Palace located in the stunning and historic city of Dubrovnik , Croatia .

The Conference website is: http://www.pharma-bio-med.com/

Friday, April 4, 2008

Who is Gina G. Canceran?

Canceran, Gina G.

Current Librarian-in-Charge, Medical Library, College of Medicine, UP Manila

20th MAHLAP President (2007)

Ms. Gina is presently on her thesis writing for her MLIS degree at UP SLIS. She served in various committees and organizations as committee representative or member such as NUTRINET, Dean Advisory Committee, UP ULAC and UP REPS. She started her career in UP Manila about 13 years ago.

She has received a SEA ORCHID fellowship training on Evidence-Based Practice Activities in 2006 in University of Sydney and Melbourne in Australia.

Visit her at FB Herrera, Jr. Medical Library

UP Manila College of Medicine

Monday-Friday, 9-6 pm

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

FCI is hiring!

1. Family Clinic, Inc. is looking for a Licensed Librarian.

Please contact Ms. Cleotilde Reyes at 731-2901 loc 405

You may also email her at: lotylj2002@yahoo.com


2. Philippine College of Health & Sciences, Inc.

- Assistant Librarian

- library & information science graduate
- 18 to 22 years old
- with or without experience
- graduating students are encourage to apply

If you are interested please come in person to the address below:

1813 C.M. Recto Ave. Manila,

For inqueries call: 734-11-31

Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College Casul General Hospital
HRD # 21 Tandang Sora Avenue , Sangandaan, Q.C.
Fax Resume: 8742710

Friday, March 7, 2008

World International Observance List

The World Health Day will occur on April 7 which also marks the founding day of World Health Organization. 2008 is WHOs 60th Anniversary.

This year also marks the 7th World Malaria Day which is on April 25.


For all the list of World Health Observance Day, please click here.

MAHLAP Officers 2008

To all the MAHLAP Members and all Library Organizations. Here are your new MAHLAP Officers for 2008:

President: Santos, Gilbert D.
Vice-President: Prosperoso, Alma Mila D.
Secretary: Landicho, Jeniffer M.
Treasurer: Dorado, Maria Lutgarda M.
Auditor: Bendo, Mark Gil A.
P.R.O.: Yap, Joseph M.
Board Members: Castro, Maria Nimfa V.
Estrada, Evangeline Q.
Lopez, Rosario F.
Ex-Officio: Canceran, Gina G.

Congratulations! It is the officers duty to serve the members and the whole community.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Forum on Women Wellness and Medical Services

The National Library (TNL)and Philippine Librarians Association, Inc.
(PLAI) in cooperation with Philippine Sport for All Association
International cordially invite you to the FORUM ON WOMEN WELLNESS AND
MEDICAL SERVICES to be held at the National Library, 3rd Floor Lobby,
T.M. Kalaw St., Ermita, Manila, March 11, 2008, Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. to
5:00 p.m.

Registration is FREE.


Part 1

Opening Program
National Anthem
The National Library Choir

Welcome Remarks/Introduction of the Participants
Mrs. Prudenciana C. Cruz, Director of The National Library

Introduction of Resource Persons and Members of the Medical Team
Prof. Ma. Josefina V. Bauzon

Orientation on the Mechanics of the Forum
Ms. Susima L. Gonzales


Nutrition and Exercise for a Healthy Lifestyle by Prof. Susan Mercado, PLM
Women Cancer – Prevention and Cure by Philippine Cancer Society
Minerals for Health by Mr. Johnny Khonghung
Lecture for the Elderly by Dr. Cyril R. Valencia
Move More to Live More: Growing Old Gracefully by Dr. Lydia Buendia

Part III Open Forum

Medical Services

Random Blood Sugar
Cholesterol Test, Blood Typing
Bone Scanning

Self-Breast Examination
Pap Smear

Fe E. Belardo
Chair, gender and Development
Master of Ceremonies

Posted by: Fonbuena at PLAI Yahoogroups
Programme posted by: Mr. Roderick Ramos

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

MAHLAP 20th Congress held in Kimberly Hotel

The two-day national congress of MAHLAP was a successful event. More than 60 participants attended the seminar last February 28 and 29, 2008. The Keynote Address was delivered by Dr. Emil Aligui , President of Asian Foundation for Tropical Medicine. New MAHLAP members were recognized and the new MAHLAP officers were chosen for 2008. Moreover, the new MAHLAP website was launched and can be accessed soon via http://www.mahlap.org.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Free Medical Journals

Free and open-access full-text journals are available online published by Flying Publisher. Flying Publisher was founded by Bernd Sebastian Kamps. Click here to view the site.

Likewise, Indian Open-access journals on medical and health sciences are also available at OpenMED and medIND.

Hiring! Apply now! 2

Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College Casul General Hospital
HRD # 21 Tandang Sora Avenue , Sangandaan, Q.C.
Fax Resume: 8742710

C&E Publishing, Inc. is looking for 2 Product Database Associates.


• 21 years old and above
• Graduate of B Library and Information Science and Information Technology, Statistics, or Applied Statistics
• Must be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
• Background in database management is an advantage
• Proactive, creative, well-organized, has initiative and a keen eye for details
• Has excellent analytical, troubleshooting, and problem solving skills
• Willing to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment

C&E Publishing, Inc. is looking for 2 Research Associates.


• 21 years old and above
• Very good oral and written communication skills
• Graduate of Statistics, Applied Statistics, Social Science or Management Course
• Must be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, other Microsoft Applications and Statistical Packages
• Willing to do field research and to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment
• Has very good analytical, troubleshooting, and problem solving skills
• Possesses excellent people skills

C&E Publishing is Looking for Product Coordinators

• 21 years old and above

Educational Attainment:
• Graduate of B Library and Information Science, Education, Business Administration, or in related fields

Experience Requirement:
• None required
• Experience in a related nature of work is an advantage

Other Requirements:
• Has very good oral and written communication skills
• Knowledgeable about book development and the textbook publishing industry
• Must be proficient in Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other computer applications
• Willing to work in a fast-paced and dynamic environment
• Has very good analytical, troubleshooting, and problem solving skills
• Possesses excellent people skills

Email your CVs to Ms. Sylvia Mangohig at sylvia.mangohig@cebookshop.com, Ms. Nieves Darroca at nieves.darroca@cebookshop.com or to Ms. Shine Galora at huwaran.galora@cebookshop.com.

For more job openings, please check the sidebar of this page under "I want to have a job."

Friday, February 22, 2008


Although, more on science and technology, Sci-NET Phil has a collection of Health and Medical Resources published from PCHRD. DOST ScINET-PHIL, a consortium of all the 21 libraries and information centers has a union catalog under the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) including its 15 regional offices. Visit ScINET-PHIL OPAC.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rosvida R. Rosal: MAHLAP First President

Prof. Rosal was the first president of MAHLAP way back 1988. She was the University of the Philippines (UP) Manila University Librarian and Medical Librarian. She is now teaching BLIS courses on Health and Medical Librarianship at the UP School of Library and Information Studies. A photo can be linked here.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

HERDIN as the 2007 Outstanding Library Program

Health Research and Development Information Network (HERDIN) bagged the Philippine Association of Academic and Research Librarians (PAARL) Award for 2007 Outstanding Library Program of the Year. Congratulations to all who worked hard for the development of this open-source software. It can be freely downloadable at http://sourceforge.net/projects/herdinneon/
PCHRD is looking for evaluators of this fantastic program.

HERDINs new system is NeON or Network of Networks.

The award was given on PAARLs 35th Annual General Assembly last January 25, 2008 at Jose Rizal University (JRU).

Congratulations also to the new Officers of PAARL for 2008.

Evidence-Based Medicine for Medical and Health Librarians

Medical practitioners primarily physicians look for information that is relevant and accurate for their research. They seek the help of information specialists in providing them authentic cases that will serve as their record for diagnosis and treatment. Evidence-Based Medicine (EBM) is the answer for this type of information.

In the Philippines, we have the Asia Pacific Center for Evidence-Based Medicine as the organization that provides healthcare professionals with a comprehensive, up-to-date, web-based resource for practicing, and teaching EBM.

They provide various workshops and trainings for those who are interested in EBM.

Online resources for EBM are: US Cochrane Library, AHEC Digital Library, and the Cochrane Library Collaboration.

IPR for Medical and Health Librarians

In celebration of the 28th Manila International Book Fair (MIBF), MAHLAP conducted a half-day forum on “Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Concerns in Health and Sciences Libraries ”. The Forum happened last August 30, 2007 at 10:00-12:00 noon at the Function Room B, World Trade Center, Financial Center Area, Sen. Gil Puyat Ave. Corner Roxas Boulevard, Pasay City. Atty. ELIZABETH R. PULUMBARIT, from the University of the Philippines-Manila was the resource speaker. The photo above are 2008 MAHLAP President Gina Canceran, Atty. Pulumbarit and MAHLAP VP Gilbert Santos.

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Regional Database for Malaria

A regional database for malaria resources is now available for malariologists, epidemiologists, anthropologists, entomologists and information professionals. This is partnered with three libraries from Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam. There will be more partnerships and linkages coming soon. For more information, log-on to: http://resource.actmalaria.net

A look at MAHLAP's 19th Congress

I'm sharing with you MAHLAP's 19th annual congress held at City Garden Suites, Manila last Feb 27 and 28, 2007. The theme was "The Cutting Edge Information Professional: A Mini-Radical Sabbatical for Medical and Health Librarians."

“The Radical Sabbatical is a technique that will assist us in a commitment to advance from our routine and devote time and energy to examine and access the attributes of our true nature and apply it to a larger understanding of our life purpose and destiny. Radical sabbatical is use to look at our priorities, to challenge life assumptions, and to reinvent ourselves.”

Thanks to MAHLAP for sharing the photos and proceedings.

Photo 1: Dr. Eric Tayag delivers Keynote Address
Photo 2: Ms. Gina Canceran (President-Elect) and Ms. Thelma Trinidad (2006 President)
Photo 3: Group Photo of MAHLAP Participants

Below is the 19th Congress Program and Invitation. Please contact MAHLAP Board for Proceedings.


The video above is a short presentation of Miss Jill Crisologo on how to stay fit at work (or at home) (",)

A survey of Medical Archives in the Philippines

This is a bit old information about Medical Archives in the Philippines but is definitely helpful. The National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA) has a list/article. Check this URL: http://www.ncca.gov.ph/about_cultarts/comarticles.php?artcl_Id=180

They also have a list of organizations for archivists including SFA, SOFIA, PRMA and PASCON. Other associations are SEAP and GROAP.

Useful Resources for Health and Information Professionals by NLM

The National Library of Medicine (NLM) has web-page of useful resources for medical and health information professionals. Visit their website: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/psd/ref/international.html

MAHLAP promotes ICML 2009

MAHLAP is happy to promote the International Congress on Medical Librarianship (ICML) 2009.
The University of Queensland Library and IFLA Section of Biological and Medical Sciences Libraries will host this rare occasion. The Congress will be on Aug 31 to Sep 4 2009 in Brisbane, Australia.

MAHLAP would like to thank Ms. Heather Todd and Ms. Hollie Thomas for sending the ICML 2009 promotional materials. For more information, visit: http://www.icml2009.com/

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

MAHLAP's new website

Watch out for the new website of MAHLAP to be launched on its 20th Anniversary. For the meantime, access this link: http://www.pchrd.dost.gov.ph/mahlap

20 Year's of MAHLAP and counting

First of all, let me congratulate MAHLAP or the Medical and Health Librarian's Association of the Philippines for celebrating its 20th year anniversary.

MAHLAP was born from a seminar-workshop on ""Current Management Trends for Health Care Libraries," Cebu, 3-7 November 1986. This seminar was sponsored by the Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (PCHRD) under DOST and the British Council (BC). The participants from the said seminar suggested to have a national group for medical and health librarians. In 1988, it was official and registered as a non-stock non-profit organization.

This year marks the 20th year of MAHLAP's anniversary and everybody is encouraged to participate in its annual conference.

The Expanding Knowledgebase Competencies of Health Sciences Libraries and Librarians”

When: February 28-29, 2008

Where: Hotel Kimberly, Pedro Gil street, Manila, Philippines http://www.hotelkimberly.com/

Fee: Php 3,500 live-in and Php 2,500 live-out

They are also in need of sponsorships. For more information, please contact: Ms. Gina Canceran at 02-526-5851 or email her at gina@mail.upm.edu.ph or ginacanceran@yahoo.com.