Friday, September 25, 2009

MAHLAP News Vol 22 Issue 2-3: April-September 2009

The Medical and Health Librarian's Association of the Philippines (MAHLAP) Newsletter Volume 22 Issue 2-3 (April - September 2009) is finally out. This will be uploaded at For the meantime, you can start reading it at my Scribd account:

Enjoy reading!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Electronic Libraries as Center of Collaboration

Here's a letter of invitation from the organizers.

Dear Sir/Madam:

Saint Louis University Libraries, Benguet State University Library and the Philippines Institutional University Cooperation Programme in cooperation with Philippine Librarians Association Inc.—Cordillera Administrative Region Librarians Council (PLAI-CARLC) and Baguio Benguet Librarians Association, Inc. (BBLAI) will conduct an international seminar on October 7 to 9, 2009 at the 4th Floor, Msgr. Charles Vath Library Building, Saint Louis University, Baguio City. The theme of this activity is “Electronic Libraries as Center of Collaboration.”

The objectives of the seminar are: (a) to hasten the spirit of collaboration in the digital age; (b) to provide a platform for familiarity with the basic modes in accessing information resources in a digital library; (c) to redefine the mission and activities on how libraries are using technology to transform library operations and services; and (d) to rejuvenate and retool library services in a globally network digital environment.

Registration for the seminar-workshop is free, including kit, snacks, lunches and certificate. Attached is a copy of the seminar program for more details. We would appreciate if you send in your reservation on or before September 19, 2009. Kindly communicate your reservation to any of the following:

Rina Hemedez Diaron Ma. Teresa R. Marquez
Saint Louis University Benguet State University
Tel. No.: (074) 442 3043 local 282 Tel. No.: (074) 422
Mobile No.: 09189590889 Mobile No.: 09175081736
Email: Email:

Marilou L. Pasion
Mobile No.: 09154917940

We look forward to seeing you at the international seminar. Thank you and our warmest regards.

Very truly yours,

(sgd.) (sgd.)

Director, Saint Louis University President, BBLAI
President, PLAI-CARLC