The Medical and Health Librarian's Association of the Philippines (MAHLAP) Newsletter Volume 22 Issue 2-3 (April - September 2009) is finally out. This will be uploaded at For the meantime, you can start reading it at my Scribd account:
Enjoy reading!
Friday, September 25, 2009
MAHLAP News Vol 22 Issue 2-3: April-September 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Electronic Libraries as Center of Collaboration
Here's a letter of invitation from the organizers.
Dear Sir/Madam:
Saint Louis University Libraries, Benguet State University Library and the Philippines Institutional University Cooperation Programme in cooperation with Philippine Librarians Association Inc.—Cordillera Administrative Region Librarians Council (PLAI-CARLC) and Baguio Benguet Librarians Association, Inc. (BBLAI) will conduct an international seminar on October 7 to 9, 2009 at the 4th Floor, Msgr. Charles Vath Library Building, Saint Louis University, Baguio City. The theme of this activity is “Electronic Libraries as Center of Collaboration.”
The objectives of the seminar are: (a) to hasten the spirit of collaboration in the digital age; (b) to provide a platform for familiarity with the basic modes in accessing information resources in a digital library; (c) to redefine the mission and activities on how libraries are using technology to transform library operations and services; and (d) to rejuvenate and retool library services in a globally network digital environment.
Registration for the seminar-workshop is free, including kit, snacks, lunches and certificate. Attached is a copy of the seminar program for more details. We would appreciate if you send in your reservation on or before September 19, 2009. Kindly communicate your reservation to any of the following:
Rina Hemedez Diaron | Ma. Teresa R. Marquez | |
Saint Louis University | Benguet State University | |
Tel. No.: (074) 442 3043 local 282 | Tel. No.: (074) 422 | |
Mobile No.: 09189590889 | Mobile No.: 09175081736 | |
Email: | Email: |
Marilou L. Pasion |
Mobile No.: 09154917940 |
Email: |
We look forward to seeing you at the international seminar. Thank you and our warmest regards.
Very truly yours,
(sgd.) (sgd.)
Director, Saint Louis University | President, BBLAI |
President, PLAI-CARLC |
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Utilizing FreeForAll
I saw this one from a member of MedLib list.
FreeForAll is an international collaboration of libraries whose mission is to provide underserved nations with health science journal articles for free. To request articles, you can join their Yahoo! Groups or Facebook account. This organization is a recipient of Library Journal's Movers and Shakers Award.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Rescuing medical records through the "endangered archives" programme
All kinds of documentary heritage have the equal chance of being salvaged from being loss or corrupted. Medical, hospital and patient records can be one of them as long as they bear historical, scientific and evidential values specifically if it contains methods of treatment and procedures of therapy, etc. With the Endangered Archives Programme of the British Library, there is an opportunity to preserve medical records from the past. This programme is funded by Arcadia, a granting organization with a key mission to protect endangered culture and nature.
This programme is open to all kinds of archives with the aim to contribute to the preservation of archival material that is in danger of destruction, neglect or physical deterioration world-wide.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Electronic Medical Records Implementation in SouthEast Asia
The Centers for eHealth and Telemedicine in SouthEast Asia (CETSEA) created a wiki which include an article about electronic medical records implemented in its member countries/ network. CETSEA is a network of institutions in Southeast Asia doing research, education, and advocacy in the area of eHealth and Telemedicine. The network aims to build strong research and capacity-enhancement activities through the use of information and communications technologies. The main activities are eLectures by rotation among these centers, and an annual sub-regional conference. To read more about EMRs, visit this link.
Taken from:
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Medical and Health Librarians of DOH Training on Library Tools and Techniques
The Knowledge Management [KM] Division of the Information Management Service [IMS] of the Department of Health will conduct a training on "Library Tools and Techniques" on Feb. 24-27, 2009 at Tagaytay Country Hotel. This training will be integrated with the 21st Congress of the Medical and Health Librarians of the Philippines at the same venue. A parallel session is said to happen to keep the objectives of the KM training of the IMS. The KM Division aims to improve the exchange, utilization and sharing of information and knowledge in the medical and health sector. Adequate skills and knowledge are necessary to apply tools and techniques in information and knowledge management.
Monday, February 9, 2009
February: National Dental Health Month
Having passed by the free consultation of Colgate booth at Watsons, SM Mall of Asia, I have learned that February was declared as the "National Dental Health Month." By virtue of Proclamation 559 signed by Pres. Gloria Arroyo last Feb. 24, 2004, it supersedes Proclamation No. 236 series of 1951. I wonder how dental libraries celebrate this month-long occasion.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
HAPI Day at UP College of Education
The Health Education Department, Division of Curriculum and Instruction, College of Education, University of the Philippines-Diliman will be having a health education day dubbed as H.A.P.I [Health, Advocacy, Promotion and Instruction] Day on February 24, 2009. The theme for this event is "Attaining Quality of Life Through Healthy Lifestyle."
Everyone is invited to join healthy and enriching activities like blood letting, film showing and informative lectures.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How mobile companies in the Philippines can improve our healthcare information system?
Large mobile networks in the Philippines such as SMART and GLOBE contribute to the health care system through their social responsibility acts. Smart Communications Inc. supports the Community Health Information Tracking System [CHITS] of the UP College of Medicine. CHITS is a computer-based information system that serves the needs of the barangay health centers, as well as the national public health system. Chits allows health center workers to create electronic medical records and efficiently monitor the progress of patients, as well as identify targets {Martel, 2009}. Smart provided 16 computers and internet connection for the development of Chits. Dr. Hernan Tolentino developed Chits as a health information and surveillance system. According to Dr. Portia Marcelo, coordinator of the Urban Community Based Health Program of the University of the Philippines (UP) College of Medicine, doctors using Chits will develop their health information management skills. Meanwhile, Globe Telecom partnered with Movement Against Malaria [MAM] and came up with Malaria Infotext service. This service is a channel that enables MAM health workers and volunteers to send and receive reports concerning the disease {Trudeau, 2008}. This is a way to monitor and assess the progress in the different sites of malaria endemic areas nationwide.
Martel, R. [2009]. Smart gives community health support. http://www.manilati /2009/jan/ 30/yehey/ business/ 20090130bus15. html
Trudeau, M., Angluben, R. and Sanguyo, M. [December, 2008] MAM gets A1 rating from the Global Fund. Milestones.
Quick survey on MEDLINE abstracts for decision-making
To the Medical and Health Librarians, Physicians and Allied Health Professionals, here is a short survey from Dr. Mike Muin about the use of MEDLINE journal abstracts for clinical decision-making: http://www.surveymo s.aspx?sm= fUchtkA0EVas_ 2f20K62tf4g_ 3d_3d
Let us participate in this survey.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
The Medical City Medical Librarian
For immediate hiring, please contact You may also contact Mars at 635-6789 loc. 6115.
Friday, January 23, 2009
21st MAHLAP Congress
The Medical and Health Librarians Association of the Philippines (MAHLAP) will be holding its 21st National Congress and Seminar-Workshop on the theme: "The Challenge of Change: Development and Partnership Towards Globalization" on February 25 to 27, 2009 at Tagaytay Country Hotel, Tagaytay City.
The seminar-workshop will focus on the current practices and perspectives in medical and health libraries as well as uplifting the role of librarians. To this end, we aim to do the following:
1. Acquaint the participants to advanced developments and emerging technologies in libraries, medical and health care system;
2. Transform conventional services and practices to neo-conventional; and
3. Rejuvenate the participants on the utilization of current tools and resources at-hand
We are pleased to invite you to join this Seminar-Workshop. Enclosed is the proposed program and registration form for the said event. The seminar fees are Php4,500 for live-in and Php4,000 for live-out participants; inclusive of 3 days 2 nights accommodation, certificate, program materials, and meals.
Participants who will pay by January 31, 2009 will receive a 10% rebate upon on-site registration. Kindly make your payments to any Philippine National Bank branches under account name: Medical and Health Librarians Association of the Philippines, account no.: 201-506726-0. Please send us a copy of the deposit slip and registration form by fax or email. If you have any comments or inquiries, please contact the following:
Ms. Gina Canceran, MAHLAP Ex-officio < ginacanceran@yahoo.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it >, +632- 5265851
There will also be a tour of Tagaytay City on February 27, 2009 for interested participants. We look forward for your presence as our partners in our shared quest for excellence. Thank you.