The Nutrition Research Information Network or NUTRINET and the University of the Philippines Manila on its Centennial Anniversary Celebration will hold a Seminar and Nutrifair at the Auditorium of University of the Philippines Manila-College of Public Health, Pedro Gil Street, Manila on July 24-25, 2008. The theme is "Strategies to Optimal Health and Nutrition." Seminar fee is Php50.00 per day per participant.
July 24, 2008
Symposium 1: Neonatal and Infant Feeding
Symposium 2: Childhood and Adolescent Nutrition
July 25, 2008
Symposium 3: Healthy Adult Lifestyle
Symposium 4: Beginning Life: Healthy Pregnancy
For Inquiries: Please call FNRI at 837-20-71 loc 2287 or UP Manila at 526-58-51.
You may also visit NUTRINET website by clicking here .